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The history of this ancient therapy and our modern treatments

Aromatherapy has been practiced for thousands of years and it’s a holistic treatment that can be used for medical issues as well as simply relaxing and reinvigorating the body. There are many benefits to an aromatherapy massage and at Bodyworks Boutique Beauty Salon our aromatherapy treatments take you on a journey of relaxation and sensation.

History of Aromatherapy

The first recorded use of aromatherapy has been traced back to around 3,500 BC. It was used by the ancient Egyptians who burned incenses from aromatic woods, spices and herbs. It had a spiritual connection at this time and aromatics were closely linked with mysticism and religion. Of course modern day aromatherapy is more about the holistic benefits for your body but this was the base on which the modern treatments were founded.

Benefits of Aromatherapy

There are many benefits to aromatherapy including:

  • Enhancement and improvement of your general wellbeing and health
  • Increased vitality
  • Improvement in skin quality and texture
  • Relieving stress
  • Eliminates toxins from the skin
  • Relieving muscular tension and warming your muscles

Aromatic Declèor Body Massage

At Bodyworks Boutique Beauty we offer aromatherapy through aromatic Declèor body massage. Declèor is a leading beauty brand who have brought together over 40 years’ experience to develop their luxurious Aromessence™ serums and balms. The principles of aromatherapy are offered through each massage and our therapists set a relaxing, soothing scene.

Each of the Declèor body massages offered in our salon take you on a sensory journey and utilise aromatic essential oils in a balm form. We offer four different balms which have their own properties and one of which is bound to be perfect for you:

Aromessence™ Relax Balm

Infused with the essential oils of lavender, sandalwood and neroli. Together they create a sensation of harmony and relaxation.

Aromessence™ Flow Balm

Infused with the essentials oils of lemon, angelica and cypress. They work together to aid circulation and create a relaxing sensation of lightness.

Aromessence™ Detox Balm

Infused with the essential oils of rosemary, geranium and patchouli. This is the best combination for eliminating all those toxins and chemicals from your skin.

Aromessence™ Tonic Balm

Infused with the essential oils of lemon grass, mint and rosemary. These oils work together to help restore firmness and tone to the body.

Your body will thank you if you book in for a relaxing, detoxifying massage with our dedicated team and you’ll feel the benefits immediately.